SPECTRUM INDIA is a sister organisation of Spectrum Books Private Limited.

Dedicated to discussion of topics that UPSC Civil Services Exam candidates are often looking fora mix of events updates and discursive articles on various subjects


Focus on the important issues.

Know all the necessary details about an event or development along with background information where required.

Develop views, insights, and opinions on various topics.

Get acquainted with NEW terms in the news and understand them.


The articles will be of help even in writing essays as they cover a topic from various angles.

They will give you adequate knowledge and critical analyses to help you face interviews with confidence.

The content of this site would also be useful to candidates of other exams, besides the civil services exam, and to anyone wanting to gain knowledge in various subjects.

Anyone wanting to read books on Indian history, geography, political system and governance, and economy may check the site of Spectrum Books.Click Here
In this section(News Scan),we give the opinions of newspapers and magazines (editorials and articles) on select news events and issues of importance.

  For Hindi Articles

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