After a month-long discussion with National Broadcasters’ Association and PCI, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting on April 5, 2018 constituted a committee to regulate online portals such as news websites, entertainment sites and media aggregators. The 10-member committee will include secretaries of the departments of home, legal affairs, electronics and information and technology, and industrial policy and promotion. The committee will also include the CEO of MyGov and a representative each of the Press Council of India and National Broadcasters’ Association.
The committee will be tasked to define online space which needs regulations as currently there are no guidelines for the regulation of websites and online content. The committee will also look at international best practices in the area of online regulation which can be adopted in Indian paralance. Besides, the committee will look into bringing online information dissemination under regulation. It will also consider the option of proposing a policy for foreign direct investment in this media.