On July 23, 2018, a Bill was introduced in Lok Sabha by Shripad Yesso Naik, Minister of State, Ministry of Ayush to replace the Homeopathy Central Council (Amendment) Ordinance, 2018. It has now become an Act. The Bill amends the Homeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 which was enacted for the constitution of the Central Council of Homeopathy and the maintenance of the Central Register of Homeopathy and for matters connected therewith. Homeopathic education and practice is regulated by the Central Council.
The Act provides for the supersession of the Central Council with effect from May 18, 2018. The central council will be reconstituted within one year from the date of its supersession. Meanwhile, the central government will constitute a board of governors to exercise the powers of the central council. The board will include up to seven members including: (i) persons of eminence in the field of homeopathy education, and (ii) eminent administrators, appointed by the Central government. One of these members will be selected as the Chairperson of the Board. With regard to policy decisions, the directions of the central government will be final.