On July 23, 2018, a Bill was introduced in Lok Sabha by Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports to replace the National Sports University Ordinance, 2018. Both Houses of Parliament had passed the Bill by August 2018. The Act was modified on August 17, 2018, as assented by the President on the same date.
The Bill seeks to establish the country’s first National Sports University in Imphal (West), Manipur that will provide sports education, research and coaching. The Bill empowers the university to: (i) prescribe courses of study and training programmes; (ii) grant degrees, diplomas, and certificates; (iii) provide facilities through a distance education system; and (iv) confer autonomous status on a college or an institution.
The objectives of this university include research, development and dissemination of knowledge regarding physical education and sports sciences; strengthening physical education and sports training programmes; generation of knowledge capabilities, skills and competence at various levels; training of talented athletes so that they can evolve into international level athletes. The Bill provides for several authorities under the university. These include: Court, Executive Council, Academic and Activity Council, Board of Sports Studies, etc. The university will maintain a fund which will be credited with the funds received from the central government, state government, and fees and money received from any other sources (grants and gifts). Also, all funds of the university will be invested as decided by the Board as per the finance committee recommendations.