Google has collaborated with Niti Aayog to focus on fostering growth of India’s nascent artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) ecosystem. The partnership also aims to work on a range of initiatives to help build AI ecosystem across the country.
There are various issues the parties have to work on. One of them is organising hands-on training programmes for relevant government functionaries to introduce them to open source AI tools to enable more effective governance to AI/ML study jams for students and developers based on Google’s Machine Learning Crash Course (MLCC). Moreover, under the aegis of this programme, Google will train and incubate Indian AI start-ups in an accelerator programme. These start-ups will be mentored and coached by Google and its affiliates to enable them to better leverage AI in their respective business models.
A hackathon focused on using AI/ML and open data sets will also be organised to solve challenges within agriculture, education, healthcare, etc. in India. Grants and scholarships will be awarded to researchers, scholars and university faculty conducting cutting-edge research in the field of AI/ML in India.