On October 21, 2020, North Korean state media warned its citizens of a vicious storm of ‘yellow dust’ cloud blowing in from China and urged them to remain indoors to avoid contact as, it might bring Covid-19 with it. North Korea claims it has had no cases of the novel coronavirus, and had imposed strict border closures and restrictions on movement of people as early as January.

Research from around the world has shown that Covid-19 can be ‘transmitted through air’. As per Korean authorities, these measures are due to the fact that together with the particles of ‘yellow dust,’ a new type of coronavirus can be introduced into the territory of the republic.

Cloud of Yellow Dust

Yellow dust cloud is actually a common phenomenon when sand from deserts in China and Mongolia are blown to North and South Korea accompanied with high speed wind, during specific periods every year. These particles tend to mix with other toxic substances like industrial pollutants. Therefore, the ‘yellow dust’ is known to cause a number of respiratory ailments. When the concentration of yellow dust in the atmosphere crosses around 800 micrograms/cubic metre, schools are shut and outdoor events cancelled in the affected areas.

As per the US Centres for Disease Control (CDC), the virus can remain airborne for hours, and is highly unlikely for the Covid-19 infection to spread, particularly outdoors, though there is no evidence of efficient spread to people far away or who enter a space hours after an infectious person was there. Mostly, people contract the disease by standing in close proximity to an infected person who spreads droplets through coughs, sneezes or talks or by touching the infected surfaces.

Courtesy: Indian Express

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